October 27, 2015

For Regular Council and Committee meetings on October 27, 2015

Agenda packet.pdf This is a very large document that may take some time to open.


Members:  Barry Buchanan, Satpal Sidhu, Carl Weimer
9:30 a.m. Tuesday, October 27, 2015
Council Chambers, 311 Grand Avenue

Committee Discussion 

1. Discussion regarding the Aquatic Invasive Species (AIS) Program (AB2015-324)

2. Update on the Pollution Identification and Correction (PIC) Program (AB2015-321)

Other Business

Members:  Rud Browne, Barry Buchanan, Satpal SIdhu
11 a.m. Tuesday, October 27, 2015
Council Chambers, 311 Grand Avenue

County Executive’s Report

Special Presentation

1. Presentation by Loni Rahm, President of Bellingham Whatcom County Tourism, on findings from the Roger Brooks Community Assessment (AB2015-322)

Committee Discussion

1. Update from Whatcom County Planning staff on the Conservation Futures Fund, detailing projects that are not a part of the Purchase of Development Rights (PDR) program 

Committee Discussion and Recommendations to Council

1. Ordinance amending the 2015 Whatcom County Budget, eleventh request, in the amount of $208,657 (AB2015-308)

2. Request approval for the County Executive to enter into an interlocal agreement between Whatcom County and the Whatcom County Flood Control Zone District (WCFCZD) and Subzones to clarify that the WCFCZD will adopt budgets annually, as required by state law (AB2015-311(Council acting as the Whatcom County Flood Control Zone District Board of Supervisors) 

Council "Consent Agenda" Items

1. Request authorization for the County Executive to enter into a contract amendment between Whatcom County and FHB Consulting to include the new goals of  Policy Framework and Procedures for Governing and Mitigating for Conversion of Agricultural Lands, and Scale Up Agriculture-Watershed Characterization and Mapping, in the amount of $112,600 (AB2015-312)

2. Request authorization for the County Executive to enter into a contract for services between Whatcom County and Herrera Environmental Consultants, Inc. for updating the capital projects section of the Lake Whatcom Comprehensive Stormwater Plan, in the amount of $137,157 (AB2015-313)

3. Request approval for the County Executive to award bid #15-62 and enter into a contract for the East Whatcom Regional Resource Center HVAC upgrades to lowest bidder, Hillco Contracting, in the amount of $91,842 (AB2015-314)

4. Request approval for the County Executive to authorize the purchase of three half-ton crew cab 4WD pickup trucks from vendor Corwin Ford, using Washington State Contract #03813, in the amount of $97,329.49 (AB2015-315)

5. Request approval for the County Executive to enter into a contract between Whatcom County and the Whatcom Alliance for Health Advancement (WAHA) for facilitation services for the Incarceration Prevention and Reduction Task Force, in an amount not to exceed $150,000 (AB2015-316)

Other Business

1:30 p.m. Tuesday, October 27, 2015
Council Chambers, 311 Grand Avenue

Committee Discussion 

1. Discussion regarding the proposed resolution approving the Whatcom County 2016 Annual Construction Program (ACP) (AB2015-305) (resolution scheduled for introduction this evening)

Other Business

Members:  Barbara Brenner, Rud Browne, Ken Mann
3 p.m. Tuesday, October 27, 2015
Council Chambers, 311 Grand Avenue

Committee Discussion 

1. Discussion regarding the proposed ordinance amending Whatcom County Code Title 20 and the Whatcom County Comprehensive Plan related to development regulations in limited areas of more intensive rural development (LAMIRDS) (AB2015-085A) (ordinance may be introduced this evening)

Committee Discussion and Recommendation to Council

1. Request approval of two one-year extensions for final approval of the Monterey Heights Long Subdivision and Planned Unit Development (AB2015-122)

Other Business


7 p.m. Tuesday, October 27, 2015
Council Chambers, 311 Grand Avenue


Councilmembers Present: 
Weimer, Buchanan, Mann, Browne, Brenner, Sidhu, Kremen
 Sidhu left mid-meeting


If you will be handing out paperwork to councilmembers, please give one copy to the clerk for our office files.  Thank you.


1. Board of Health for May 5, 2015
Approved Consent 7-0

2. Regular County Council for June 9, 2015
Approved Consent 7-0

3. Special Committee of the Whole for June 23, 2015
Approved Consent 7-0

4. Regular County Council for June 23, 2015
Approved Consent 7-0

5. Board of Health for July 14, 2015
Approved Consent 7-0

6. Special County Council for August 4, 2015
Approved Consent 7-0

Audience members who wish to address the council during a public hearing are asked to sign up at the back of the room before the meeting begins.  The council chair will ask those who have signed up to form a line at the podium.   Each speaker should state his or her name for the record and will be given three minutes to address the council. Council staff will keep track of time limits and inform speakers when they have thirty seconds left to conclude their comments.  When a large group of individuals supports the same position on an issue, we encourage the selection of one or two representatives to speak on behalf of the entire group.

1. Resolution approving the sale of an access easement over Whatcom County-owned property (AB2015-309)
Approved 7-0 with substitute pages, Resolution 2015-041

During open session, audience members can speak to the council on any issue not scheduled for public hearing or related to the proposed Gateway Pacific Terminal project (GPT).  Each speaker should state his or her name for the record and will be given three minutes to address the council.  Council staff will keep track of time limits and inform speakers when they have thirty seconds left to conclude their comments. 

Items under this section of the agenda may be considered in a single motion.  Councilmembers have received and studied background material on all items.  Committee review has taken place on these items, as indicated.  Any member of the public, administrative staff, or council may ask that an item be considered separately.

From Finance and Administrative Services Committee

1. Request authorization for the County Executive to enter into a contract amendment between Whatcom County and FHB Consulting to include the new goals of  Policy Framework and Procedures for Governing and Mitigating for Conversion of Agricultural Lands, and Scale Up Agriculture-Watershed Characterization and Mapping, in the amount of $112,600 (AB2015-312)
Approved Consent 6-0

2. Request authorization for the County Executive to enter into a contract for services between Whatcom County and Herrera Environmental Consultants, Inc. for updating the capital projects section of the Lake Whatcom Comprehensive Stormwater Plan, in the amount of $137,157 (AB2015-313)
Approved Consent 6-0

3. Request approval for the County Executive to award bid #15-62 and enter into a contract for the East Whatcom Regional Resource Center HVAC upgrades to lowest bidder, Hillco Contracting, in the amount of $91,842 (AB2015-314)
Approved Consent 6-0

4. Request approval for the County Executive to authorize the purchase of three half-ton crew cab 4WD pickup trucks from vendor Corwin Ford, using Washington State Contract #03813, in the amount of $97,329.49 (AB2015-315)
Approved Consent 6-0

5. Request approval for the County Executive to enter into a contract between Whatcom County and the Whatcom Alliance for Health Advancement (WAHA) for facilitation services for the Incarceration Prevention and Reduction Task Force, in an amount not to exceed $150,000 (AB2015-316)
Approved 6-0


From Finance and Administrative Services Committee

1. Ordinance amending the 2015 Whatcom County Budget, eleventh request, in the amount of $208,657 (AB2015-308)
Adopted 6-0, Ordinance 2015-042

2. Request approval for the County Executive to enter into an interlocal agreement between Whatcom County and the Whatcom County Flood Control Zone District (WCFCZD) and Subzones to clarify that the WCFCZD will adopt budgets annually, as required by state law (AB2015-311(Council acting as the Whatcom County Flood Control Zone District Board of Supervisors) 
Approved 6-0

From Planning and Development Committee

3. Request approval of two one-year extensions for final approval of the Monterey Heights Long Subdivision and Planned Unit Development (AB2015-122)
Approved 6-0

No Committee Assignment

4. Resolution requesting the County Executive develop spreadsheet models to make it easier for the Whatcom County Council, the City of Bellingham, and other interested parties to understand the impacts of the various proposals related to a new long term Jail Facility Use Agreement (JFUA) (AB2015-295)
Approved 4-2 with Brenner and Kremen opposed, Resolution 2015-042

5. Resolution establishing regular County Council meeting dates for 2016 (AB2015-320)
Approved 5-1 with Brenner opposed, Resolution 2015-043

Per Whatcom County Code 2.03.060 and 100.02.080, applications for council-appointed and FCZD board of supervisor-appointed citizen boards, commissions, and committees may be accepted until 10:00 a.m. on Tuesday of the week prior to the regularly scheduled council meeting at which nominations and possible vote to appoint are scheduled to occur. 

1. Nomination and appointment to the Whatcom County Flood Control Zone District Advisory Committee-Geographic Areas Representative, applicant: Fred “Sonny” Kunchick (AB2015-296) (Council acting as the Whatcom County Flood Control District Board of Supervisors)
Appointed 6-0

2. Nomination and appointment to fill vacancies on the Wildlife Advisory Committee - applicant(s): Christopher Kazimer, Wendy Harris, Paul Woodcock, Guy Occhiogrossa, Craig Brown (AB2015-175A)  
Appointed: Christopher Kazimer, Paul Woodcock, Guy Occhiogrossa, Wendy Harris

Council action will not be taken.  The council may accept these items for introduction (no action) in a single motion.  Changes, in terms of committee assignment for example, may be made at this time.

1. Resolution approving the Whatcom County 2016 Annual Construction Program (ACP) (AB2015-305)
Introduced with substitute attachment 6-0

2. Receipt of an appeal of the Hearing Examiner’s decision on APL2015-0005 filed by Jack Swanson for Dale and Dawn Marr (AB2015-279)Introduced 6-0

3. Ordinance establishing the Stormwater Fund (AB2015-317
Introduced 6-0

4. Resolution regarding Whatcom County Flood Control Zone District Six-Year Water Resources Improvement Program for the years 2016 through 2021 (AB2015-318(Council acting as the Whatcom County Flood Control Zone District Board of Supervisors)
Introduced 6-0

5. Resolution amending the bylaws of the Whatcom County Flood Control Zone District Board of Supervisors (AB2015-319(Council acting as the Whatcom County Flood Control Zone District Board of Supervisors)
Introduced 6-0

6. Ordinance amending Whatcom County Code Title 20 and the Whatcom County Comprehensive Plan related to development regulations in limited areas of more intensive rural development (LAMIRDS) (AB2015-085A) (this ordinance may be introduced at a later date)
Introduced with substitute Exhibit A 6-0


Motion carried 6-0 to resend letter to Lummi and Nooksack Tribes inviting them to participate in the Incarceration Prevention and Reduction Task Force 


The next regular council meeting is scheduled for 7:00 p.m. Tuesday, November 10, 2015, in the Council Chambers, 311 Grand Avenue.